Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Moving Day

The movers came this morning to pack up Jo's stuff to put it in storage.  We had done a pretty good job up this point of sorting through everything and piling all of the stuff to be stored in one place.  As a result, it only took them about an hour to box everything up and catalogue the contents!  In the end, 150 cubic feet is headed to storage for the next 6 months.

Over the last month or so, we've also been working on selling the furniture that was old or would be inefficient to store, like a sofa.  Unfortunately, this means that Jo's apartment is now fairly furnitureless....  For example, this is the couch -------->

...two sun loungers tied together with a duvet on top.  Not the most comfortable living room seating in the world but we're making due. Funny, we're watching a lot less TV lately.

The eBaying of more valuable items is also finishing up soon.  (Anyone need an iPad? Link)  We've probably been able to finance a few months of traveling thanks to the wonders of online auctioning.  Just need to finish shipping everything:

Speaking of which, anybody want this?:

If our eBay buyer falls through (he's being flaky), it's up for grabs - just come pick it up.

T minus 7 days until the apartment will be completely empty and we'll be packed and on a plane to the States to start part 1 of our adventure.  Then, we promise, the blog posts will get more interesting....

- Nick and Jo

Location: Hamburg, Germany

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